CH-CObodmer 74
Manuscript is in good condition with 128 parchment folios of 312 x 196 mm. Gathered in 15 quires, Bodmer 74 is bookended by newer sheets of parchment, all held together in 18th-century Italian reliure binding of maroccan red leather on woodboard. Secular cursus.

Cologny, Bodmer 74 is the earliest instance of intelligible diastematic notation, as well as the most comprehensive source of Old Roman chant. This gradual was copied no later than May 20, 1071, under the auspices of Pope Alexander II, by the Arch-presbyter John of S. Cecilia of Trestavere, as attested by the hologram stamp on folio 129r. The stamp is made up of two concentric red circles, above which is the following inscription in black ink: hic tempore domni Alexandri papae scriptus neumatusque est per Iohannem presbyterum. Indic[tione] VIIII Ant[iphonarius] iste. Inside the circles are the words “Anno d[omi]ni mill[esimo] lxxi / indic[tione] nona te[m]p[ore] alexandri / s[e]c[vn]di p[a]p[ae] men[se] mai. d[ie] xx / ant[iphonarivs] iste completvs est” (Pellegrin, 1982, pg. 124). Also on the hologram are the following words in red, running vertically from top to bottom: Hon[or] / emmanvhel / barachihel / tr[o]n[i]. ts (?). ser[a]p[hi]n / pax. The space between the two circles contains the words, “Adonai Eloim. Sotyr. Emmanuhel”. The inscription confirms the provenance of the manuscript, securely dating it as contemporaneous with the papacy of Alexander II (Oct 1, 1061. and tells us of the scribe, John, who—first, presbyter and then, arch-presbyter at St Cecilia in Trastevere—also copied the Bible of St Cecilia in 1097 (Ms Vat. Barb. Lat. 587).

This volume contains mass chants (1r-111v) predominantly for sanctoral feasts, select temporale occassions, alleluiatic verses (113r-116r), proper tropes for the ordinary of the Mass (kyrie, 116r-120r; gloria, 120r-121r; sanctus, 121r-125r; agnus dei 125r/v), and miscellaneous processional chants (126r-127v). F. 129v bears a colophon.

Selected bibliography: 

Huot François O.S.B., Les manuscrits liturgiques du canton de Genève, Freiburg 1990, 
(Iter Helveticum, Subsidia 19), S. 463-469.

Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550, Bd. II: Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken Bern-Porrentruy, bearbeitet von Beat Matthias von Scarpatetti, Dietikon-Zürich 1983, Nr. 111, S. 46.

Pellegrin Elisabeth, Manuscrits latins de la Bodmeriana, Cologny-Genève 1982, pp. 123-126.

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